Tsanka Shishkova has a Ph.D. in Computer Science. She is retired and works as a part-time researcher. She has been writing haiku and senryu and makes haiga.
Tsanka Shishkova has published haiku, senryu, and haiga in:
The Asahi Shimbun, ESUJ-H English Haiku, NHK - Haiku Master, Stardust Haiku, THF - Haiku dialogue, The Mainichi, Under the Basho, Wild Plum, Failed Haiku, HaikUniverse, The Mamba Journal, Urban Fantasist, World Haiku Association - Category: Haiga, Wild Lilacs, etc.
Selected to the Euro Top 100 Most Creative Haiku Authors in 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.
Book Published in English: [in English and Bulgarian]: CRANE FEATHER, with haiku and senryu from Vancouver to Tokyo, (2019 by "Direct Services" Ltd., Sofia, Bulgaria)
Residence: Sofia, Bulgaria