
Keep in touch


Author: Raïs Neza Boneza
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182537705
Pub. Date: 2021
Price: $15

The poems reveal very delicate perceptions. After reading these poems, the striking phrases reverberate within us. The style of the poems is simple, but is not monotonous.

Author BIO
Rais Neza Boneza

He is the author of fiction as well as non-fiction, poetry books and articles based in Norway. He was born in the Katanga province of the Democratic Republic of Congo . He is the author of fiction as well as non-fiction, poetry books and articles. He is also an activist and peace practitioner. He is co-convener of TRANSCEND Global Network; a Peace Development Environment Network. He also uses his work to promote artistic expressions as a means to deal with conflicts and maintaining mental well-being, spiritual growth and healing.  He has travelled extensively in Africa and around the world as a lecturer, educator and consultant for various NGOs and institutions. His work is premised on Art, healing, solidarity, peace, conflict transformation and human dignity issues.

Other Publication By Rais Neza Boneza

Black Emeralds

Black Emeralds
Rais Neza Boneza
ISBN: 81-8253-034-2


Eldorado blanc, fievre Noire (French Edition)

Eldorado blanc, fievre Noire (French Edition)
Rais NEZA Boneza
ISBN: 978-8182532977


White Eldorado, Black Fever

White Eldorado, Black Fever
Raïs NEZA Boneza
ISBN: 978-82998541-1-5



Raïs Neza Boneza
ISBN: 9788182537705



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