
Keep in touch

The Stars for Tonight

Author: Samo Kreutz
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182537286
Pub. Date: 2021
Price: $15

Haiku included in this book leave no doubt in the readers’ minds that the poetic thought and style are full of an indestructible unity. These haiku show extraordinary and eloquent phrases.

Author BIO
Samo Kreutz

Samo Kreutz lives in Ljubljana, Slovenia. He began to write as an eight-year-old boy, when he wrote his first story (and later a poem). One day his parents told him that simply by writing he cannot earn enough for a decent life, so he replied that he will become a writer and a joiner. Now, at the age of forty-five, he is not yet a joiner (nor a carpenter), but the Bachelor of Economics, who besides poetry and short stories, also writes novels and haiku (since 2011). He is the author of nine books (three of them are haiku books), all published by the Ekslibris, publishing house in Ljubljana. His work has appeared in various Slovenian literary magazines, anthologies, on national Radio, and on several international websites (e- and printed journals).

Other Publication By Samo Kreutz

The Stars for Tonight

The Stars for Tonight
Samo Kreutz
ISBN: 9788182537286


A Time Different from Ours

A Time Different from Ours
Samo Kreutz
ISBN: ?9788182538719


No Bigger Than a Crumb

No Bigger Than a Crumb
Samo Kreutz
ISBN: 9789390601899


Forgotten for a Moment

Forgotten for a Moment
Samo Kreutz
ISBN: 9789395224567


Not Empty-Handed

Not Empty-Handed
Samo Kreutz
ISBN: 9788119654031



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