Kevin "Punky Weirdo" was born Dec 31 1969, in Mississauga, Ontario Canada, where he still resides. Kevin knew he was a misfit at an early age. He was loud, energetic and seemed to cause trouble everywhere he went. At the age of 9, while going through a friends older sisters record collection, he discovered punk rock. Kevin and his friend were just looking for lyrics with profanity and humour and they found lots. Kevin first picked up a guitar at age 12, wrote his first song at 13 and was playing original music in downtown Toronto clubs at 14. That was 1984, the year a strange musical hybrid known as crossover first became popular. It was hardcore punk rock fused with extreme or thrash metal. Kevin played in two of Canada's first crossover bands, HOLOCAUST and then DARK LEGION . neither band were ever signed to a recording contract but both bands have been well documented.