
Keep in touch

Maps Menus Emanations

Author: dan raphael
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182537255
Pub. Date: 2021
Price: $15

These poems are quite impressive in originality and variety. Due to emotional depth, the intensity and richness of these poems is beyond question. The poems are remarkable in their immediacy and powerful imaginative power. No doubt, these poems reveal ‘incantatory murmur and inspired bursts’.

Author BIO
dan raphael

Maps Menus Emanations is dan raphael’s 25th book. Other recent works include Moving with Every (2000) Flowstone Press, Manything (1999) Unlikely Boks, and Impulse and Warp: The Selected 20th Century Poems (2010) Wordcraft of Oregon. He published NRG Magazine for 17 years, hosted the I Love Mondays reading series for 13 years, and edited 26 Books—26 chapbooks of 26 pages by regional poets. Retired after 33 years working for the State of Oregon’s Department of Motor Vehicles, he now plays bass guitar, practices tai chi, and writes a weekly news poem for KBOO-FM.

Other Publication By dan raphael

Maps Menus Emanations

Maps Menus Emanations
dan raphael
ISBN: 9788182537255



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