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GATEWAY: Gulfport Poets

Author: Edited by Peter Hargitai
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 978-8182537231
Pub. Date: 2021
Price: $17

"From whale sounds to bongo drums, from the crack of the whip to whispering starlight wind, the variety and range of voices in this anthology show us why poetry is not a gated community, but the common language of humanity."


Vincent Spina

Stone Handy

Molly Ellowis

Michael Henry Fridovich

Jude Bagatti

Nadine Miller

Rob McCabe

Michael Arthur Taylor

Ellen Noto

Sam Henderson

Dianne Marlene Kress

Bob Bates

Author BIO
Peter Hargitai

Peter Hargitai is an award-wining poet, novelist and literary translator. He is the author of the poetry collection Mother Tongue: A Broken Hungarian Love Song, Opening at Town Shores, Editor’s Choice novel Attila: A Barbarian’s Love Story, Attila: A Barbarian’s Bedtime Story, Millie, Daughter of the Revolution, Magyar Tales, Who Let the Bats Out, the short story collection Budapest to Bellevue and translations of two volumes of Attila József’s poetry, Perched on Nothing’s Branch (1988) and Selected Poems (2006), and a translation of the Hungarian novelist and literary historian Antal Szerb’s Utas és holdvilág under the English titles The Traveler (1994, 1995, 2005) and Traveler and the Moonlight (2015, 2020). He is recipient of the Landon Translation Award from the American Academy of Poets, a Fulbright Grant, and the Martin Luther King, Jr. Poetry Prize from the City of Miami Gardens (2009). He is listed in Harold Bloom’s The Western Canon: The Books and School for the Ages

Other Publication By Peter Hargitai


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GATEWAY: Gulfport Poets

GATEWAY: Gulfport Poets
Edited by Peter Hargitai
ISBN: 978-8182537231


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