
Keep in touch

Good Gracious Granny

Author: Nagueyalti Warren
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789388319904
Pub. Date: 2021
Price: $15

The arts will undoubtedly attract all readers due to unvarying excellence of style and diction. The arts are charged with powerful and energetic imagination.

Illustrated by Judith Surowiec, a graduate of Buffalo State Teachers College in Art Education. She is a member of Tannery Row Art Colony in Buford, Georgia.

Author BIO
Nagueyalti Warren


Nagueyalti Warren, PhD., is Professor of Pedagogy Emerita in African American Studies at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.  She is author of three collections of poetry: Lodestar and Other Night Lights (1992); Margaret: circa 1834-1858 (2008), which won the Naomi Long Madgett Poetry Award; and Braided Memory (2011), winner of the Violet Reed Haas Poetry Award. She is editor of Temba Tupu! (Walking Naked) The Africana Woman’s Poetic Self-Portrait (2008), and Critical Insights: Alice Walker (2013). Her poems have appeared in Essence Magazine, Cave Canem Anthology, The Ringing Ear, Obsession, 44 on 44 and elsewhere. A Cave Canem graduate fellow, Warren also is author of W.E.B. Du Bois: Grandfather of Black Studies (2012), and Alice Walker’s Metaphysics: Literature of Spirit (2019). She earned her undergraduate degree from Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee, a Master of Arts degree in English from Simmons College in Boston, a Master of Arts degree in Afro-American Studies from Boston University, MFA degree from Goddard College in Vermont, and a PhD from the University of Mississippi. 



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