Mark Tulin is a former family therapist from Philadelphia who lives in Ventura, California, with his wife, Alice. He has a Pushcart Prize nomination for a short story called "The Mountain Spirit" in Active Muse. A poetry publisher once compared Mark's poetry to artist Edward Hopper, on how he grasps unusual aspects of people's lives. “I attempt to convey my experience of the moment, whether it's what I feel when I see an ocean wave or a passing conversation with a stranger.” Mark's books include Magical Yogis, Awkward Grace, The Asthmatic Kid and Other Stories, Junkyard Souls, available on Amazon. Mark has appeared in MockingHeart Review, Strands, Amethyst Review, The Poetry Village, Page and Spine, Fiction on the Web, Vita Brevis Press, Remington Review, Poppy Road Review, The Literary Hatchet, Spillwords, The Writing Disorder, Beatnik Cowboy, New Readers Magazine, and many anthologies and podcasts.