
Keep in touch

Pop. 1280

Author: Alex Stolis
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789390601264
Pub. Date: 2021
Price: $15

In 2016 & 2017 I took a road trip through southern and western Minnesota including parts of South Dakota and Iowa looking to make images of the 'real' America. It was miles between towns and sometimes miles between homes. It was not diverse, not thriving, a land locked in the past, the evidence from years of continual migration to urban areas on every Main Street we drove through. In retrospect it appears this is the America of the 'forgotten men and women' who made their voices loud and clear in the 2016 election. This was Trumpland.

Author BIO
Alex Stolis

Alex Stolis lives in Minneapolis; he has had poems published in numerous journals. Recent chapbooks include Justice for all, published by Conversation Paperpress (UK) based on the last words of Texas Death Row inmates. Also, Without Dorothy, There is No Going Home from ELJ Publications. Other releases include an e-chapbook, From an iPod found in Canal Park; Duluth, MN, from Right Hand Pointing and Left of the Dial from corrupt press. The full length collection, Postcards from the Knife Thrower was runner up for the Moon City Poetry Prize in 2017. His chapbook, Perspectives on a Crime Scene was recently released by Grey Border books and a full length collection Pop. 1280, is forthcoming from Grey Border books.

Other Publication By Alex Stolis

John Berryman died here

John Berryman died here
Alex Stolis
ISBN: 9789389690439


Pop. 1280

Pop. 1280
Alex Stolis
ISBN: 9789390601264



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