Leilanie Stewart has had two poetry collections published: A Model Archaeologist by (Eyewear Publishing, 2015) and Chemotherapy for the Soul (Fowlpox Press, 2017). Her poems have appeared in magazines such as Neon Highway, Erbacce, The Journal, Wayfarers, Sarasvati, Inclement, Decanto, Graffiti, Tips for Writers, The Sound of Poetry Review, Nostrovia, Boyslut, The Blue Hour, Mudjob, Jellyfish Whispers, Dead Snakes, Poetry Scotland's the Open Mouse, Black Mirror magazine, The Commonline Journal, Morphrog magazine, Ashvamegh, The Open End, Message in a Bottle, Mad Swirl, The Fat Damsel, Lagan Online's Four X Four magazine, and in the Robin Hood anthology by Caparison Press. Her poetry has been longlisted for the Melita Hume prize 2014 and selected for the Best of the Web Storm Cycle anthology 2015 by Kind of a Hurricane Press.