
Keep in touch

Loving All

Author: Suzie Palmer
Binding: Paperback (pp: 83)
ISBN: 978-81-8253-137-6
Availability: In Stock (Ships within 1 to 2 days)
Pub. Date: 2009
Condition: New
Price: $12

Suzie Palmer began writing her life story and poetry in 1999 at 28 years of age. She was encouraged to write after a mystical encounter with a unique Indian sage. ‘You are a writer; you must write’ he told her ‘you must write about your life – true truth – a story describing this is how I won this battle. People like reading about other people’s lives, and they’ll like reading about yours. You’ll also write poetry, teaching people how to be happy even if they can’t run and jump’. Suzie began writing with great enthusiasm and optimism, knowing that her Multiple Sclerosis (MS) condition was a ‘great blessing’, helping her to re-remember her life’s purpose. She also strongly believes her MS will heal naturally and she pursues this alternative avenue, documenting her healing ventures for the benefit of all.


Her autobiography reveals how a once happy girl becomes even happier despite her physical problem, when she experiences spiritual understanding and liberation. Suzie’s life changes forever and she develops altruistic qualities to help better other lives and the world.


Amid her physical problems and healing plight, Suzie has difficultly finding solace in human love. This is where her true agony lies. She describes her relationships with direct honesty, and finds her greatest challenge in writing about her life without hurting others. Her quest for love is universally shared, along with the problems encountered in duality.


In 2002, Suzie wrote her first children’s stories of the Come Fly With Me series and visited local primary schools between 2002 and 2006 to share them with Year 3 to 6 children. Suzie conducts motivational talks to high school students, presents to mature aged students, and gives motivational talks to adults, to help lift them out of bouts of complacency.


In 2005, Suzie began prolifically writing poetry and posting her poems on—an international writing and poetry site. Suzie has presented some of her poems in public, and receives encouragement from Poet Gatherings.


Suzie sends messages of love to everyone. Inspired by the light of love in people’s eyes, Suzie gives much of her time to people in need. To help make this world a better place is Suzie’s writing drive, and her poems and life reflect this passion.


As well as writing poems, Suzie’s central life work is her autobiography, and she looks forward to sharing this with the world.

Author BIO
Suzie Palmer

Suzie Palmer began writing her life story and poetry in 1999 at 28 years of age. She was encouraged to write after a mystical encounter with a unique Indian sage. ‘You are a writer; you must write’ he told her ‘you must write about your life – true truth – a story describing this is how I won this battle. People like reading about other people’s lives, and they’ll like reading about yours. You’ll also write poetry, teaching people how to be happy even if they can’t run and jump’.

Other Publication By Suzie Palmer

Loving All

Loving All
Suzie Palmer
ISBN: 978-81-8253-137-6


Bright Blessings

Bright Blessings
Suzie Palmer
ISBN: 9788182534957



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