
Keep in touch

Sedition, Sorcery, and Blasphemy-Poems About America

Author: Ken Jones
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788182536999
Pub. Date: 2021
Price: $15

The poems are full of compactness and a force of inspired imagination that provides a charming beauty to this poetry collection. The style of the poems is quite vivid and concrete.

Author BIO
Ken Jones
Poet Ken Jones has published 10 complete collections, numerous chapbooks, and thousands of individual poems and songs. He earned a Master of Arts in English/Creative Writing at the University of Texas at Austin at the age of 23 then a Juris Doctorate from the University of Southern California. A Finalist for the 2008 West Chester Poets Prize, winner of the 2011 Houston Fringe Festival Critic's Choice award, and 2 time Pushcart Prize nominee, among others honors, he also performs his poetry and music regularly. The University of Texas at Brownsville has opened a permanent archive of his creative work.

Other Publication By Ken Jones

Meditations on the Oneness

Meditations on the Oneness
Ken Jones
ISBN: 9789389690958


Pleadings from the Pleiades

Pleadings from the Pleiades
Ken Jones
ISBN: 9789390202560


Sedition, Sorcery, and Blasphemy-Poems About America

Sedition, Sorcery, and Blasphemy-Poems About America
Ken Jones
ISBN: 9788182536999



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