
Keep in touch

Silence Speaks

Author: Shanu Goyal
Binding: PB
ISBN: 81-8253-031-8
Availability: In Stock (Ships within 1 to 2 days)
Publisher:, India
Pub. Date: 2005
Condition: New
Price: $13

I have tried to depict the eternal beauty and calmness of Silence here in one of my poems: Silence Speaks. In fact, after having written this poem I felt a dire need to be left to myself in the moments of struggle, pain and trauma. This in turn proved to be a self -healing process. The moment I pen down my thoughts, lesser is the pain of suffering, hurt and betrayal.

I have not taken any formal education in poetry writing as I think that it's more of an inner thing which can in no way be taught in any school of art. It's a passion, a drive within, which arouses reflexes to pen down the thoughts. There are moments when you think you cannot compose anything come up with a piece of art that your eyes couldn't believe. The same has been depicted in one of my poems A Poet's Trauma.

                                                                                            - Shanu Goyal

Author BIO
Shanu Goyal

I'm an Indian and was born on 28th Sep, 1974 in Moradabad, a small town of Uttar Pradesh. As a child I had high expectations from myself. Though my ambition was to become a doctor but I ended up doing my post graduation in Business Administration. I worked with several organizations but never felt satisfied working under someone. After my marriage I joined my husband in his export Business.

Other Publication By Shanu Goyal

Silence Speaks

Silence Speaks
Shanu Goyal
ISBN: 81-8253-031-8



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