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Two Can Play This Game: The Saturday Afternoon Poets

Author: Sal Amico M. Buttaci & Paul Juszcyk
Binding: PB (pp: 148)
ISBN: 81-8253-011-3
Availability: In Stock (Ships within 1 to 2 days)
Pub. Date: 2004
Condition: New
Price: $15

"This collection of poems is the result of years of reflection on the ‘human experience.’ When a poet fashions his art, his inner emotions become exposed to the ever-vigilant minds and hearts of his audience, as well as their critical eyes and ears. It has always been my goal as a poet to share a degree of my soul with my audience, letting my readers and listeners into what ‘makes me tick.’"  --Paul Juszcyk

Author BIO
Paul Juszcyk

Paul Juszcyk was born in Paterson, New Jersey. He has been writing poetry for many years. His previous collections of poetry are Not the Point Exactly, A View From the Porch and Other Poems, For All Intense and Porpoises, and Greatest Hits, 1980 - 2000. He has also been published in many anthologies and collections and is a frequent featured reader at various venues.

Salvatore Buttaci

Salvatore Buttaci is an obsessive-compulsive writer who plies his craft many hours a day. His poems, stories, articles, and letters have appeared widely in publications that include New York Times, U. S. A. Today, The Writer, Cats Magazine, and Christian Science Monitor. He was the recipient of the $500 Cyber-wit Poetry Award in 2007.

Other Publication By Salvatore Buttaci

Two Can Play This Game: The Saturday Afternoon Poets

Two Can Play This Game: The Saturday Afternoon Poets
Sal Amico M. Buttaci & Paul Juszcyk
ISBN: 81-8253-011-3


A Dusting of Star Fall: Love Poems

A Dusting of Star Fall: Love Poems
Sal Amico M. Buttaci
ISBN: 81-8253-054-7


If roosters don't crow, it is still morning: haiku ...

If roosters don't crow, it is still morning: haiku ...
Salvatore Buttaci
ISBN: 978-8182532694



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