
Keep in touch

Travel Souvenirs: haiku from near and far

Author: Adelaide B. Shaw
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788194827139
Pub. Date: 2020
Price: $15

During my lifetime, I have been fortunate to have traveled to andlived in many places, staying in some for only two days, in others, muchlonger. This collection of haiku and senryu does not include all that Isaw and wrote. These poems are some of the images, impressions andmemories. Changes occur over time, and what I wrote about ten, twenty,thirty years ago and more, may not be true now.

Author BIO
Adelaide B. Shaw

Adelaide B. Shaw lives is Somers, NY. She has been writing haiku and other Japanese short-form poetry for nearly 50 years. Her work has appeared in many journals, in print and on-line, in the US and abroad and has won several awards. In 2008 her first haiku book won third place in the Haiku Association of America's Kanterman Award. When not writing haiku, Adelaide writes short fiction. Samples of her published Japanese poetic forms are posted on her blog:

Other Publication By Adelaide B. Shaw

The Distance Ive Come

The Distance Ive Come
Adelaide B. Shaw
ISBN: 9789389074550


Travel Souvenirs: haiku from near and far

Travel Souvenirs: haiku from near and far
Adelaide B. Shaw
ISBN: 9788194827139



Adelaide B. Shaw
ISBN: 9788182538245


ANCIENT HISTORY: haibun and tanka prose

ANCIENT HISTORY: haibun and tanka prose
Adelaide B. Shaw
ISBN: 9788119228461



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