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Moon’s Yard

Author: R. Rushforth Morley
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789388319294
Pub. Date: 2020
Price: $15

Moon’s Yard is Rushforth Morley’s first book of poetry. It is an eclectic collection, ranging from verse narratives to the experimental, but one from which a unique voice begins to emerge. Landscapes range from his native Cornwall to those of a mythic past that seems at once familiar yet dreamlike. The tone switches from the elusive and evocative to the comic, and narrative strands thread his work, tantalisingly unconnected, like the veins in a good Stilton.

Author BIO
R. Rushforth Morley

R. Rushforth Morley was born in Cornwall and educated at Blundell’s School and the University of Kent. He has been teaching EFL for forty years, in the Crimea, Moscow, Hong Kong, Cairo, and Italy. He has published poetry in a variety of magazines, and helps run the Poetry on the Lake festival in Orta, on the Italian Lakes; a novel, The Gift of Honey, was published in 2012. Moon’s Yard is his first collection of poetry.


Other Publication By R. Rushforth Morley

Moon’s Yard

Moon’s Yard
R. Rushforth Morley
ISBN: 9789388319294



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