
Keep in touch

Marking the Hours

Author: Lenora Rain-Lee Good
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 978-9388319362
Pub. Date: 2020
Price: $15

The subtle power and intense imagination in these poems will certainly appeal to all readers. No doubt, the wealth of imagination and deeply inspired poetic fancy in these poems are quite remarkable.


Linda Singer host of Poetry Apocalypse and Pushcart nominated poet wrote: In Marking the Hours, Lenora Rain-Lee Good tugs our hearts with tenderness. Good lets the reader know that they are not alone. This book of poems reaches out and takes our hand to guide us over the rough road of being merely human.

Author BIO
Lenora Rain-Lee Good

Lenora Rain-Lee Good recently returned to her beloved Pacific Northwest from Albuquerque, New Mexico to dance in the rain and write. Part Native American (Catawba) she is fascinated with history, and often incorporates historical events in her writing. Her poetry has most recently appeared in Quill & Parchment and Five Willows Literary Review, both online literary magazines. Washington 129, anthology of Washington State Poetry, chosen by Tod Marshall, the Washington State Poet Laureate, 2016-2018 and her collection, Blood on the Ground: Elegies for Waiilatpu published by Redbat Press. 

Other Publication By Lenora Rain-Lee Good

Marking the Hours

Marking the Hours
Lenora Rain-Lee Good
ISBN: 978-9388319362


The Bride’s Gate and Other Assorted Writings

The Bride’s Gate and Other Assorted Writings
Lenora Rain-Lee Good
ISBN: 9788182537729



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