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Pearls of Kindness

Author: Roger Dean Kiser
Binding: Paperback (pp: 114)
ISBN: 978-81-8253-109-3
Availability: In Stock (Ships within 1 to 2 days)
Publisher:, India
Pub. Date: 2008
Condition: New
Price: $12

There have been many hardships in my life. An entire childhood spent living at The Children’s Home Society Orphanage in Jacksonville, Florida. It was a place where love, affection, devotion, respect and even the least of human considerations were never shown to us children. Many of the children raised in their care made their way to prison, became drug addicts, alcoholics, prostitutes or committed suicide. The few who did succeed did so with much difficulty. I too followed many of these same paths; but somehow, by some miracle, I managed to build a life for myself based upon the kindnesses of a few understanding, kind and caring people who crossed my path. I also learned to share those same kindnesses with my fellowman.

Roger Dean Kiser is a contributing author to many Chicken Soup for the Soul Book Stories. In the vain of Mark Twain, Roger Dean Kiser's collection of almost 800 stories has captured the drama and emotion of not only his childhood, but also his current day tales. Kiser's short stories carry with them strong images and feelings that search out and find that common thread which connects each of us to our own emotions. Roger Dean Kiser is the author of the books "Orphan, A True Story of Abandonment, Abuse and Redemption," "American Orphan" and now his newest book titled "RUNAWAY, Life on the streets-The Lessons Learned."


Author BIO
Roger Dean Kiser

Published author and internet writer Roger Dean Kiser's stories take you into the heart of a child abandoned by his family and abused by the system responsible for his care. Through his stories he relives the sadness and cruelty of growing up an orphan in the early 1950s.

Other Publication By Roger Dean Kiser

American Orphan - The Life And Times...

American Orphan - The Life And Times...
Roger Dean Kiser
ISBN: 978-81-8253-030-0


Pearls of Kindness

Pearls of Kindness
Roger Dean Kiser
ISBN: 978-81-8253-109-3



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