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Can’t Get Here from There: Fifty Tales of Travel

Author: Jeremiah A. Gilbert
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789390202782
Pub. Date: 2020
Price: $15

Can’t Get Here from There contains travel tales from over forty countries spread across five continents. From a birthday weekend spent in Paris with no money or passport to a camel-jacking in Cairo and being smuggled across a checkpoint in Bolivia, these tales offer exotic locations and out of the ordinary experiences. Some experiences go more smoothly than others.

Author BIO
Jeremiah A. Gilbert


Jeremiah Gilbert is a poet and award-winning photographer. He is the author of three prior poetry collections, In a Strange Land, Pagan Blues, and The Pursuing Silence. He lives and works in Southern California.

Other Publication By Jeremiah A. Gilbert

One Hand Clapping

One Hand Clapping
Jeremiah A. Gilbert
ISBN: 9789389690484


Can’t Get Here from There: Fifty Tales of Travel

Can’t Get Here from There: Fifty Tales of Travel
Jeremiah A. Gilbert
ISBN: 9789390202782


From Tibet to Egypt: Early Travels

From Tibet to Egypt: Early Travels
Jeremiah A. Gilbert
ISBN: 9788182538641


On to Plan C: A Return to Travel

On to Plan C: A Return to Travel
Jeremiah A. Gilbert
ISBN: 9788196316136


From Tibet to Egypt: Early Travels After a Late Start

From Tibet to Egypt: Early Travels After a Late Start
Jeremiah Gilbert
ISBN: 9788182538641



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