
Keep in touch


Author: Roger W. Harrington
Binding: Paperback (pp:215)
ISBN: 978-81-8253-108-6
Availability: In Stock (Ships within 1 to 2 days)
Publisher:, Allahabad, India
Pub. Date: 2008
Condition: New
Price: $15

In the seven years I lived without Gwendolyn, my life was free and without encumbrance. My father, Edward Farnsworth, owned lands and properties that extended far beyond my little world. I was told, as a small child, that he worked in New York City. I had some idea that our family name reached far back into the past; almost, but not quite, to the Mayflower. If people referred to our estate, they called it Thornton. Just that. I don't know where the name came from; father never told me that I recall. All I knew of my father - all I really ever knew, to be truthful - was that he dealt in money and that we were rich; rich from the past, and rich in the present. In rare moments I would find him in his study and we would share a distant kind of bond. He would hold me to him with a kind of bemused look on his face; as if he wondered at what he had sired. Then he would smile at me, silently, and turn back to his work.

Author BIO
Roger W. Harrington

Born in England. Former: "Rock and Roll" star; gold miner; advisor to the Thai government on ESL teaching; Frontier College teacher; Honours Society of S.G.W.U. President and ombudsman in the 'Computer Riot' of the late sixties; Junior fellow of Massey College; Russian interpreter for CAR; High school teacher in English for thirty years; Deputy Mayor and Reeve of the Town of Forest; first vice-president of the Forest Legion. Four languages spoken.

Other Publication By Roger W. Harrington


Roger W. Harrington
ISBN: 978-81-8253-111-6



Roger W. Harrington
ISBN: 978-81-8253-108-6



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