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Edited by: Dr. Santosh Kumar
Binding: Paperback
ISSN: 0972-6004
Availability: In Stock
Publisher:, Allahabad, India
Pub. Date:
Price: $25

Taj Mahal Review issue 3 by, India, pp. 410 features Reflections, Short stories full of genuine emotional depth, Poems revealing a singular beauty and 'inner rhythm', penetrating and stimulating Book Reviews, and a carefully compiled 21 page section providing biographical notes on each of the contributing authors. This is an outstanding journal of quality and variety, featuring 191 authors from 20 countries. This is a beautiful Journal revealing a true kaleidoscope of tone, colour, and brings to each of us a common share of family in the real spirit of international Peace and Friendship. Here is present a masterpiece collection of poems and short stories. Count on Taj Mahal Review, where different nations meet at a single place. Discover a whole new way of appreciating Poetry for Peace. Poetry is the only panacea to end all the evils infecting mankind. The poems and short stories published in Taj Mahal Review record "the best and happiest moments of the best minds." Taj Mahal Review can be read "as a fine art, as an experiment, a duty or merely recreation." The poems show an intensity of sincere feeling, the extraordinary pictorial quality, a vivid feeling for the cadence of phrases, an absence of artistic monotony. There is no trace of anything impure, or ugly, or violent in TMR. The publication of TMR makes the real beginning of the outburst of Poetry and short story in English in the new millennium. Join us in the world's greatest gathering of Poets and Short-story writers.

From The Editor 

Welcome to Taj June 2003! I'm deeply obliged to all the authors for their generous support & kindness. The 21st century bleeds due to terrorism and violence. The writings selected for the June issue reveal the conflict between a sensitive imaginative soul and the world of naked barbarism. No doubt, it is the duty of the creative artists to advocate culture, tolerance, peace and moral values against hypocrisy and selfishness. Only the creative writers can reveal "the wisdom of the heart". The world deserves better than devastation caused by the Iraq war. I pray for Peace, reconstruction and humanitarian assistance. The US took action against Iraq without the UN support, but no doubt the Iraqis felt a sense of freedom after the war was over. SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) virus has infected thousands. I hope the WHO would have serious discussions with world experts on vaccine development soon. 

                                              Santosh Kumar


Author BIO

Other Publication By


Dr. Santosh Kumar
ISBN: 0972-6004




Adelina Klein
Bill Sherman
Karunesh Kumar Agrawal
Rebbell N. Watts
Üzeyir Lokman CAYCI
Zaak Fresh


Albert Russo 
Brandie Elaine Van Hartesvelt
Colleen McGorman
Dipika Patel
Donald Edward Kidd
Elizabeth Woodall
Eric Taubert
Floriana Hall
Graham Dunn
Hyeon-Ju Ryoo
Ira L. White
Jaime Morelli 
James Lewis
Jenny Hollander
Jerry Vilhotti 
Jillian Mandelkern
Joey Lisano
John Anderson
Jorj "Rill" Johnson
Katherine Anne Heuser
Marianna Hernandez
Marsha Jordan 
Matthew Jacob Moon 
Meredith Lee Miller
Michael E Stucky
Mircea Pricajan
Michael P. Christensen
Nicholas Bever
Rachel Tara Jones
Ronald Dean Porter
Sahar Sabati
Salvatore Amico M. Buttaci
Stephen E. Shepherd
Tammy Loney
Thomas V. Glick
Travis Black
William McHugh
Zdravka Evtimova 


Darius Gabriel Bugarin


Adam Chesler 
Amy Lynn Sipple 
Andy Harding 
Angelica Jette Long 
Anna Marie Fritz
Anthony Joseph Beha
Bair Sandra
Bernadette Garvin
Bill West
Brian Beaudry 
Brian Richard Prisque
Brian Turner 
Carel Kennon
Carl E.Vance 
Carlos Hiraldo 
Carol Borzyskowski 
Cassidy Dorman
Charles Griffith 
Chelsea Comeau
Chris Smith
Christina M. Glover 
Clare Campbell Bryce
Colette Gee
Danielle Ackley-McPhail 
Danielle Carroll 
Danny P. Barbare 
Darla Elaine Fitzgerald 
David William Atherton
Deborah J. Norris
Del Senkbeil 
Denise-Annette Langner-Urso
Derek Tiessen 
Dorin Popa
Dustin Brookshire
Elise Plyler
Elizabeth Jessica Allen
Emily C Cornell
Geertruud Ida Maria Otten 
George J Jefferson
Gerald Bosacker 
Howard Camner 
Hugo Walter
Jack Donahue
Jacob Douglas Riggs
James McFarland Spence 
James R. Whitley 
Jamini Kanta Jagadev 
Jan Oskar Hansen 
Jane Musoke-Nteyafas 
Janet I. Buck 
Jared Zachary Holloway 
Jeff Geltman
Jeff Nicklaus 
Jeff Ostahowski
Jill Ellis
Joe Beverio
John D. Miles 
John Scholar
Joseph Aprile 
Joseph M. McCauley 
Karen Sperry 
Keith Joseph Gorski Jr.
Kelly Sue Rogers
Kelley White 
Kevin James Knowlees 
Kim Hanson
Kirby Wright 
Laura Mae Oldham-Brownell
Laura M. Porras 
Leigh Matthews
Leysa Robertson 
Lisa Lewis
Lucille Lang Day
Lucretia Ann Campos 
Lynne Redlin
Manuel Williams
Margaret C. Rigsby
Margaret E. D. Aslet 
Margriet Homma
Maria Castro Dominguez
Maria Cristina Azcona
Marilyn Bates 
Marion L Smith 
Martin A Enticknap
Maryann Hazen Stearns 
Maurice Peter Colgan 
Megan Nkesi Ovunwo
Melissia Ann Senter 
Michael Aigen
Michael Law 
Michael R. Collings
Michael Vincent Antonelli 
Michelle Wood
Mike Green
Myra Cliff 
Nancy Mainville
Naoya Shibasawa 
Norma Woodbridge 
Nyal Thomas
Pao Lee
Patricia Gomes 
Patricia Mccarthy
Patricia Wellingham-Jones 
Paul Schlosberg 
R. Leland Waldrip 
Rena I. Scribe 
Richard Fein
Richard Foster
Robin M. Buehler 
Rochelle Hope Mehr
Rod Walford
Roopa Menon
Roshaya Rodness 
Ruby Moses Ezekiel
Santosh Kumar
Sargon Lazar
Sharilyn Ferguson
Sharon Esther Lampert
Sharon W. Flynn 
Sonya Roberts
Sravana Reddy
Stephen Wilson
Sue Vickerman 
T.L. Stokes
T. W. Smith
Terri L. Rinella
Thelma Shutters 
Thomas Levine 
Timothy F. Stevens
Tina Hess 
Traci P Cantrell
Trixie Love 
Victoria Fraley
Voyat Sergey 
W. A. Upchurch 
W. S. Mayo
Wojciech Plocharski
Yvonne Sparkes 
Zachary Lincoln Painter


Lively Moments 
The Golden Wings
A Gathered Meadow 
Out of the Ordinary 

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