
Keep in touch

What We All Want to Say: Poetry for grades 6-12

Author: Elizabeth Crocket
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789390202386
Pub. Date: 2020
Price: $15

The time we spend in school up to and including High School is atime that is rich with new experiences. Friendships with students andteachers, sports, and the continuing importance of language both spokenand written are critical to us when we grow into what is calledadulthood. In point of fact what is called youth stays with us for the restof our lives. There is angst, there is lost love, there are authority figureswho annoy and sometimes mistreat or misjudge you throughout yourlife. Haiku and senryu are truly a journal of your life.In this collection, Elizabeth Crocket has given us a glimpse into herpast, and into her future. For better or for worse we carry with us all ofthe experiences in our life. They are though much less of a burden ifthey are in the form of a poem. Haiku are short poems that are smallreminders of the larger issues in life. Look at them as bookmarks forthe larger event stored in your memory.

Author BIO
Elizabeth Crocket

Elizabeth is a Canadian author and poet. Her Japanese short form poetry has been published in many outstanding journals, including Modern Haiku, Frogpond, Mayfly, The Heron s Nest and more. Elizabeth has two Japanese short form chapbooks published with Red Moon Press. One of them, Not Like Fred and Ginger, was shortlisted for the prestigious American Haiku Foundation Touchstone Distinguished Book Award. Elizabeth also composes photo-haiga, and won the 2nd Annual Jane Reichhold Memorial Contest in the photographic category. She has a children s picture book, Happy Haiku, published with Crimson Cloak Publishing, that is available worldwide. She has a page in the American Haiku Registry, The Living Senryu Anthology, and The Haiku Living Anthology. Elizabeth also writes women s fiction, and has six grandchildren she loves to the moon and back.

Other Publication By Elizabeth Crocket

Wondering What's Next

Wondering What's Next
Elizabeth Crocket
ISBN: 9788194348597


How Soon the Colour Fades

How Soon the Colour Fades
Elizabeth Crocket
ISBN: 9789389690446


What We All Want to Say: Poetry for grades 6-12

What We All Want to Say: Poetry for grades 6-12
Elizabeth Crocket
ISBN: 9789390202386



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