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The Autobiography of a Broken Kid

Author: Levi J. Mericle
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789390202157
Pub. Date: 2020
Price: $15

We find here an immense variety of poems. Most important from the literary point of view, the style of the poet has a richness of effect that creates an enduring fascination.

Author BIO
Levi J. Mericle

Levi J. Mericle is a poet/spoken-word artist, lyricist and fiction writer from Tucumcari, NM U.S.A. His work has appeared in multiple anthologies and lit magazines and journals in half a dozen countries including China, England, Spain, India, Indonesia and the US. These publications include Black Heart Magazine, Mused, Eunoia Review, Awakenings Review, eFiction India, Madrid University’s Journal JACLR, Quail Bell Magazine, Dead Snakes, Visual-Verse, Verse Virtual, 1947 Journal, 101 Words, Flash Fiction Magazine, Penhead Press, DevoZine, and more. He is an advocate for the mentally ill and those who feel disconnected with themselves. He is also an advocate for the LGBTQ community.

Other Publication By Levi J. Mericle

The Autobiography of a Broken Kid

The Autobiography of a Broken Kid
Levi J. Mericle
ISBN: 9789390202157



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