
Keep in touch

Cromwell Milton Collins Carson

Author: Kevin Kiely
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789390202133
Pub. Date: 2020
Price: $15

Cromwell Milton Collins Carson is from the epic poem Yrland Regained: Central Cantos 'structured' within American modernist poetry techniques in the direction of H. D., Marianne Moore, Charles Olson, Ezra Pound, William Carlos Williams to Louis Zukofsky, predominantly the long poem, including Ed Dorn's Gunslinger and Ferlinghetti's Americus. The war strategies of the Tower, Whitehall, and Westminster (London) are reflected through the central protagonists Oliver Cromwell, John Milton author of Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained, Edward Carson and Michael Collins.Carson with the patronage of Winston Churchill annexed Six Counties in the North of Ireland (1920) by an act of parliament at Westminster. The 'Six Counties' as landmass is slightly larger than Cyprus and much smaller then Sicily. Milton's Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained are subtexts explored as politically censored poetry covertly in homage to Cromwell. The Collins Carson Cantos presents the War of Independence that led to the Irish Republic and the Six Counties Partition. Linear chronology and timelines are avoided in keeping with modernism and juxtaposed genres: classical to modern, elegy, parody, pastiche, journalese, tabloid, graffiti, headlines, visuals, rap, songs, expletives, mock-irony, naïve rhyming, musical lines, and explicit conflict-humour.

Author BIO
Kevin Kiely

Kevin Kiely., PhD (UCD) in the Patronage of Poetry at Harvard's Woodberry Poetry Room; W. J. Fulbright Scholar in Creative Writing Washington (DC). M. Phil., Trinity College (Dublin); Hon., Fellow in Writing, University of Iowa. 

Other Publication By Kevin Kiely

Cromwell Milton Collins Carson

Cromwell Milton Collins Carson
Kevin Kiely
ISBN: 9789390202133



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