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Contra Mortem - a poetry sequence

Author: E.M. Schorb
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789390202034
Pub. Date: 2020
Price: $15

It is quite true that the poet peeps into the secret recesses of heart. The poems will undoubtedly attract all readers due to unvarying excellence of style and diction. The poems are charged with powerful and energetic imagination.

Author BIO
E.M. Schorb
E.M. Schorb's Murderer's Day, was awarded the Verna Emery Poetry Prize and published by Purdue University Press, and a subsequent collection, Time and Fevers, was the recipient of the Writer's Digest Self-Published Award for Poetry and also an Eric Hoffer Award. Dates and Dreams, Short Fictions, Prose Poems, Cartoons won a later Writer's Digest Self-Published Award for Poetry and an Honorable Mention from the New York Book Festival, more recently. Other works include 50 Poems, Hill House New York; Words in Passing, The New Formalist Press; The Ideologues and Other Retrospec¬tive Poems, Aldrich Press; Eclectica Americana, Hill House New York; Manhattan Spleen, Aldrich Press; Last Exit to East Hampton, Kelsay Books; and The Poor Boy, Dragon's Teeth Press, Living Poets Series. The title poem, "The Poor Boy," was awarded the International Keats Poetry Prize by London Literary Editions, Ltd., judged by Howard Sergeant. Schorb's novel, Paradise Square, received the Grand Prize for Fiction from the International eBook Award Founda¬tion at the Frankfurt Book Fair. A Portable Chaos was the First Prize Winner of the Eric Hoffer Award for Fiction. Recently, his R&R: a Sex Comedy won the Beverly Hills Book Award for Humor. But Schorb maintains that he is first and foremost a poet, and his poetry has appeared in numerous publications, around the world.

Other Publication By E.M. Schorb

Contra Mortem - a poetry sequence

Contra Mortem - a poetry sequence
E.M. Schorb
ISBN: 9789390202034



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