
Keep in touch

VOL. 20 NUMBER 1 JUNE 2020

Edited by: Dr. Santosh Kumar
Binding: Paperback
ISSN: 0972-6004
Pub. Date: June 2020
Price: $30

Warm Greetings to all creative artists including poets, short story writers published in this latest edition of Taj Mahal Review. Welcome to the June 2020 edition of Taj Mahal Review. I am quite thankful and indebted to all authors across the globe published  in this  issue. The latest  issue of TMR features haiku, poems, book reviews, short stories and several other interesting things. No doubt, the world of poetry opens the door to the divine sanctuary. The poems and haiku included in this edition reveal a remarkable lyrical intensity. Some of these masterpieces written in a simple style full of cadence and simple harmony will certainly attract all readers due to their spontaneous way of composing and vivid power of imagination.

It is really very sad and tragic that due to dangerous coronavirus an increasingly large number of people have died. It is true that our beloved earth has suffered a lot due to our greed and cruelty toward plants and nature. We have failed to experience the 'ancient rapture' in the world of nature.

It is always beneficial if we do our duty sincerely.The fact is that our happiness depends on doing our duty. It is wrong to describe duty as a 'troublesome master'. It is difficult to agree with the following lines by Emily Dickinson, "Forbidden Fruit":

Forbidden fruit a flavor has

That lawful orchards mock;

How luscious lies the pea within

The pod that Duty locks!

All of us are aware that tasting the forbidden fruit created death and mankind's sorrows as aptly described by John Milton in the opening lines of Paradise Lost:

Of Man's First Disobedience, and the Fruit

Of that Forbidden Tree, whose mortal taste

Brought Death into the World, and all our woe,

With loss of Eden

It is necessary to remember that to William Wordsworth Duty is 'the Voice of God', ' a light to guide, a rod To check the erring, and reprove'. The poet reveals that Duty is

Victory and law

When empty terrors overawe;

From vain temptations dost set free;

And calm'st the weary strife of frail humanity

I shall be failing in my duty if I don't express my sincere thanks and deep gratitude to all creative artists published in this newest edition of Taj Mahal Review. Without their kind support and help, this publication was not possible.

We are shocked and struck with grief due to death of so many people from the outbreak of the Coronavirus. I along with Karunesh Kumar Agarwal and all Cyberwit staff convey our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families.



Author BIO

Other Publication By

VOL. 20 NUMBER 1 JUNE 2020

VOL. 20 NUMBER 1 JUNE 2020
Dr. Santosh Kumar
ISBN: 0972-6004





Catherine Lieuwen          

Prof. Moshé Liba             


Andrew McIntyre            

Eric Tessier        

Gary Alexander 

Joseph Randall Othello  

Jules A Riley       

Paul Perilli          

Steve Mogg


Alex Andy Phuong           

Amanda Blue Leigh        

Baidha Fercoq   

Carson Pytell     

Craig Cotter       

Don Schaeffer   

Don Krieger

Douglas G. Cala

Fran Shaw          

Howard Winn    

Januário Esteves              

Jennifer Lagier  

Jeremy Szuder  

Jesse Wolfe       

John P. Drudge  

Jonathan Harrington      

Judy Koren         

LB Sedlacek        

Leland James          

Mary Anne Zammit         

Matt Hill             

Michael H. Brownstein  

Michael Harmon             

Prof. Moshé Liba             

Neal Whitman   

Nells Wasilewski              

Nolo Segundo   

Peter J. Hargitai

Phil Huffy           

Piet Nieuwland

Rex Lambert      

Richard O'Connell           

Richard Rose     

Robert L Martin

Robert Malouf  

Sandra J. Lindow             

Sharmagne Leland-St. John         


Stephen J. Golds              

Thomas Locicero             


Angelina Bong  

Ban’ya Natsuishi

Ben Moeller-Gaa             

Bryan Rickert     

Doc Drumheller 

Greg Schwartz   

John J. Han        

John McDonald 

Prof. Moshé Liba             


Santosh Kumar 

Sayumi Kamakura           

Shirley Bolstok  

Thorvald Berthelsen       


The Idea of North           

Don Schaeffer: Review of the Poetry and Art       

God-inspired messages from Joseph S. Spence Sr.            




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