
Keep in touch

The Traveler el viajero...

Author: Robert Simon
Binding: Paperback (pp: 88)
ISBN: 978-8182531888
Pub. Date: 2010
Price: $14

Robert Simon works as an Assistant Professor of Spanish in the Department of Foreign Languages at Kennesaw State University , in the state of Georgia , USA .  His took his BA at Boston University , and his Ph.D. at the University of Texas at Austin .  He researches surrealist movements, postmodernism and the notion of the "paradigm shift" in Iberian poetry of the last few decades.  He has already published a study of Portuguese Poetry, Understanding the Portuguese Poet Joaquim Pessoa, 1942-2007: A Study in Iberian Cultural Hybridity (2008), and three chapbooks, New Poems from the Airplane and Graveyard (2007), Não Tirei Fotos (2009), and Os Sophíadas (2009), as well as individual poems in journals throughout the US .  He is married and has a beautiful daughter.  

Author BIO
Robert Simon

Robert Simon works as Professor of Spanish and Portuguese and Coordinator of the Spanish Program in the Department of World Languages and Cultures at Kennesaw State University, in the state of Georgia, USA. His took his BA at Boston University, and his Ph.D. at the University of Texas at Austin. He researches mysticism, surrealist movements, postmodernism and the notion of the “paradigm shift” in Iberian poetry of the last few decades.  

Other Publication By Robert Simon

The Traveler el viajero...

The Traveler el viajero...
Robert Simon
ISBN: 978-8182531888


Poems of a Turning Professor:

Poems of a Turning Professor:
Robert Simon
ISBN: 9788182536364


The Bridge

The Bridge
Robert Simon
ISBN: 9789388125673



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