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When A Conscience Knocks

Author: James G. Skinner
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789389690903
Pub. Date: 2020
Price: $25

This is a story about Alzheimer, an incurable mental disorder. How it affects millions of humans, their lives, families and friends. Jenny, a young English teacher, accepts an appointment at an international school in Teheran, Iran prior to the 1978 revolution, where she meets Juan Miguel, a Spanish diplomat, several years her senior. Both are devout Roman Catholics. They soon fall in love, marry and over the next three decades embark on a life of international adventure and intrigue as Juan Miguel is also a member of the Spanish Secret Service. At the height of Juan Miguel's career at the United Nations he is diagnosed with the early symptoms of the disorder. They return to Spain, initially Madrid and finally Orense, his home city in Galicia, the Northwest of Spain.


10th June 2020


AUTHOR: James G. Skinner

Star Rating: 4


‘A cleverly plotted historical novel populated with interesting, even charismatic, characters. The plot’s focus on Alzheimer is sympathetically written. Highly recommended.’ The Wishing Shelf


I do enjoy a good historical novel. I like them well-paced, populated by strong, interesting characters, and, of course, it must have a twisting plot, a captivating setting and a killer of an ending. I’m delighted to say this novel by J G Skinner pretty much ticked every box.

The hero of the story, Jenny, is an interesting character, perfectly cast as a young English teacher trying to keep up with her Spanish diplomat husband. She’s pretty bright but she can also be a little indecisive. But that’s not surprising considering the complex (and often dangerous) world she now finds herself in. She’s also vulnerable – important with any hero - open-minded and up for facing a tough challenge.

For the most part, the writing style works well for this genre. It’s not Dickens; you never think, ‘WOW! That character just jumped off the page.’ But that’s okay. The author keeps the focus on the plot, keeps things moving and, most importantly, keeps surprising the reader whenever he can.

So, what didn’t I like? Well, not a lot to be honest. In parts, it did read a little like a history book. This author enjoys ‘facts’ and seems determined to educate the reader on the political happenings of the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. I think the short, abrupt style of writing didn’t help; indeed, I often felt like I was reading the script for the News at Ten. But, in a way, that was okay. It was different in style; and ‘different’ is not always a bad thing. However, I did spot a large number of grammatical errors which is not okay. They need to be fixed.

I most also discuss Alzheimer’s Disease, which is a key theme in the second half of this story. You see, Juan Miguel, Jenny’s husband, is diagnosed with the disorder and they return to Spain. The author works hard to help the reader understand not only the nature of the disorder, but also how it impacts the sufferer and others.

All in all, this is a gripping novel which, I think, will be of interest to anybody interested in recent political history. Also, the Alzheimer theme, although written in a slightly too dry, detached sort of way, will be of interest to many readers. The short, concise writing style many not be for everybody, but I thought it refreshing, and I would happily read another of this author’s books.


A ‘Wishing Shelf’ Book Review


Reviewed by Tammy Ruggles for Reader Views (08/2020)

“When a Conscience Knocks,” by James G. Skinner, is a grand love story wrapped in a novel of political intrigue. At its heart, the love story involves English teacher Jenny Robertson and Second Secretary to the Spanish Embassy, Juan Miguel Ochoa. Their first meeting over coffee ignites a romance and dedication of thirty years. Jenny is a unique sort, and so is Juan Miguel, and there is a classic feel to their early romance, with long drives, day trips, picnics, sightseeing, book lending, phone calls, wine, roses, and candles. During those thirty years, they travel together, become closer, co-mingle in political affairs, and face life's ups and downs. And then a bombshell of a different sort is dropped when Juan receives a diagnosis of early Alzheimer's Disease. This scenario shows how such a diagnosis affects a relationship, careers, and hopes and dreams. The machinery of international dealings is no match for a disease that will eventually rob you of your life's work, your personality, and even your precious memories. The major plot twist adds to the pain and drama of the novel.


Reviewed by Joseph Sharratt for IndieReader

This novel would be good for the political/international aspects alone (historical events in the Middle East, Madrid, and other locations), but the love story is what is most riveting to me. A pivotal moment in the couple's relationship is also a spoiler if I mention it here, so let's just say its rawness and honesty jump off the page as you read. This book feels like a true story, and in a way it IS true for many couples living, and dying, with an Alzheimer's diagnosis. Skinner has a beautiful way with words. His descriptions are poignant in their simplicity, and rich in detail, reminding me of Cormac McCarthy's style. The broader plot is interesting and introduces you to a world of politics and culture that feel realistic and span decades. But it's the details that make Skinner a great writer. For example, the way he describes little things, like how a passerby is dressed, or the fleeting thoughts of a confused person. You ache for the two main characters, Jenny, and Juan Miguel, but of course in different ways. You want things to return to the way they were before mental decline, but they can't. A writer who causes you to feel for the characters as real people and think about them long after the book is over, has done his job. The novel is told in first-person, by Jenny, which makes the events feel more personal and accessible. There is nothing cliché about this novel. No wasted words. Everything feels crisp and clean, like a vintage film from the early days. “When a Conscience Knocks,” by James G. Skinner, will break your heart, but will confirm it too.


WHEN A CONSCIENCE KNOCKS charts the lives of Jenny and Juan, and the many ups and downs of their relationship as they plot their way through some of the defining political events of the last fifty years and deal with tragedies much closer to home.

Fresh out of Cambridge University and with the world at her feet, Jenny Robertson leaves the UK for a teaching job in Iran in the days before the revolution, where she makes new friends and begins to learn about her place in the world. There she meets the charismatic, confident and rather dashing Spanish diplomat Juan Miguel Ochoa, and the two fall madly and deeply in love. They are soon wed in Tehran before they are forced to flee the country as the Shah loses his grip on power.

Juan’s work takes him all over the world in the years and decades that follow, with Jenny faithfully following her husband every step of the way. They land in Buenos Aires and witness the build-up to and fall out from the Falklands War, and spend time in London, Tel Aviv, and Panama. They are living in the United States of America when the horrors of the September 11 attacks unfold. They meet Fidel Castro in Cuba. It soon becomes clear that there is slightly more to Juan’s work than he has been letting on, and Jenny finds herself drawn deeper into his world of global political intrigue.

The story is told through Jenny’s reflections, and far from just capturing these grandiose moments, James G. Skinner succeeds in weaving these events into the wider fabric of the couple’s lives. Day-to-day events like shopping trips, beach excursions and dining out are all beautifully detailed, and it’s these mundane, everyday details that help to immerse the reader as much as the moments of high drama. It is a really personal way to construct the story, and it helps to build a genuine connection with Jenny and Juan, particularly as the specter of Alzheimer’s disease rears its ugly head in the final third of the story (the book itself is dedicated to the worldwide Alzheimer Association).

The couple’s wider family exist on the periphery but are never explored in any real detail, which is slightly problematic in the parts of the tale where they are involved, but it’s a relatively minor gripe. Of far greater concern is the lax editing the book has received – regrettably, there are a number of typos and other errors throughout the text, which greatly detracts from the overall quality of the work. Still, the ending packs a real emotional gut punch and is skillfully free of cliché, and despite its careless editing, WHEN A CONSCIENCE KNOCKS is still a deeply enjoyable and rewarding adventure.

James G. Skinner’s WHEN A CONSCIENCE KNOCKS is a skillfully woven and engaging tale of romance set against a backdrop of global political intrigue and deep personal tragedy.


Author BIO
James G. Skinner

James G. Skinner is a retired world wide telecommunications executive and ex-Honorary British Consul in Spain. For the past twenty years he has lived in Vigo and has observed through the press the constant flow of drugs from Latin America into Europe via the coast of Galicia. Living in Spain has also given him an insight into the fight on terrorism, especially the Basque Separatist movement ETA.

Other Publication By James G. Skinner

Serene Maiden

Serene Maiden
James G. Skinner
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The Goa File

The Goa File
James G. Skinner
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Save My Spine

Save My Spine
James G. Skinner
ISBN: 978-81-8253-327-1


Speak to me Reader!

Speak to me Reader!
James G. Skinner
ISBN: 9788182535237


Màs alla Del Esfuerzo - Memorias de un Cónsul Honorario

Màs alla Del Esfuerzo - Memorias de un Cónsul Honorario
James G. Skinner
ISBN: 9788182536296


Operation - Side-Kick

Operation - Side-Kick
James G. Skinner
ISBN: 9788182536753


O Diario dun Cónsul Escoces en Galiza

O Diario dun Cónsul Escoces en Galiza
James G. Skinner
ISBN: 9788182536739


Samaritan Drug Lords

Samaritan Drug Lords
James G. Skinner
ISBN: 9789388125116


Mi Destino Aguarda (Spanish Edition)

Mi Destino Aguarda (Spanish Edition)
James G. Skinner
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A Clash of Conscience

A Clash of Conscience
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When A Conscience Knocks

When A Conscience Knocks
James G. Skinner
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James G. Skinner
ISBN: 9788182538429



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