
Keep in touch

Letter to Sonya

Author: Sam Eisenstein
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789389690866
Pub. Date: 2020
Price: $40

A note to respond to the lovely birthday card from you and Oscar. It has taken me a long time for reasons that I will enumerate. Well, at least try to enumerate. Your card carries no legend, only the picture of a little boy playing the violin, with two dogs and a cat in attendance. How old is this little boy? He sits on a sort of stool, or maybe it is a tree stump, because there are many trees in the background--he is in a clearing, perhaps a back yard or public park.

Author BIO
Sam Eisenstein
Phd in comparative literature from UCLA. Retired after sixty years as English professor at a very secondary school, Los Angeles City College, with time out for a Fulbright in Japan, classes at the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich Switzerland, and for another masters degree in family counseling. Many publications from various publishers. Wife Bettyrae, retired interior decorator, children: step-son David Alan Wallace, eye surgeon, Chana Ellen, veterinarian. Dog: Luke, border collie extraordinaire. Reading is a passion, as is ancient to very modern music. People who are forced to face very extraordinary situations are the ones who attract my attention.

Other Publication By Sam Eisenstein

Letter to Sonya

Letter to Sonya
Sam Eisenstein
ISBN: 9789389690866



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