
Keep in touch

The New Vaudeville

Author: Glen Armstrong
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789389690453
Pub. Date: 2020
Price: $15

The poems show strong inspiration and create a lyricism of striking appeal and power. The poems included in this poetry collection are full of impressive vigor. In these poems we admire the poet's delicate touch and the felicity of expression. The flowing ease of expression confirms the fact that the style of these poems has an impressive spontaneity.

Author BIO
Glen Armstrong



Glen Armstrong holds an MFA in English from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and teaches writing at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan. He edits a poetry journal called Cruel Garters. His most recent chapbooks are Simpler Times and Staring Down Miracles. His work has appeared in Poetry Northwest, Conduit, and Cream City Review.

Other Publication By Glen Armstrong

Invisible Histories

Invisible Histories
Glen Armstrong
ISBN: 9789389690026


The New Vaudeville

The New Vaudeville
Glen Armstrong
ISBN: 9789389690453


Night School: Selected Early Poems

Night School: Selected Early Poems
Glen Armstrong
ISBN: 9789395224147



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