
Keep in touch

Unendurable Illumination

Author: Jay Passer
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789389690538
Pub. Date: 2020
Price: $15

All poems included in the poetry collection reveal the plain, matter-of-fact style devoid of everything suggestive of artifice. These poems have completely got rid of the conventional, artificial phraseology. There is no doubt that the poet very aptly traverses an immense range of emotion and experience. Here we find the poet's passion and powerful imagination in rich abundance.

Author BIO
Jay Passer

Jay Passer's poems and prose have appeared in print and online since 1988. He is the author of 10 chapbooks spanning the last decade, most recently, They Lied to Me When They Said Everything Would Be Alright, from Pski's Porch Publishing, and The Black and the Blues, from Alien Buddha Press, both released in 2018. Passer lives and works in San Francisco, the city of his birth.

Other Publication By Jay Passer

Unendurable Illumination

Unendurable Illumination
Jay Passer
ISBN: 9789389690538



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