
Keep in touch

Whether Forecast

Author: Margaret Rutley & Sidney Bending
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789389690378
Pub. Date: 2020
Price: $15

Over 100 haiku and haiku related poems infused with humour and tender touches by 2 poets, individually and collaboratively. Here are imaginative leaps, vivid phrases, the riches and vigor of conversational style with everyday language. Many of these poems have been published in literary journals and anthologies in Canada, USA, UK, Africa, India, and New Zealand. Several have won awards. 

beach volleyball

the grey-haired guy

            still has some bounce           

Sidney Bending


widow . . .

she turns the dryer on

with pliers

 Margaret Rutley


Superb work. You are extremely gifted haijin! [haiku poets] 

– Carlos Colon


From sand castles to swishing hips, from blind dates to blues singers, the images in Whether Forecast remind us again and again of the pleasures of being alive, the conundrum of the human condition. With skill and humour, Sidney Bending and Margaret Rutley (sometimes alone, sometimes together) have created a quiet bouquet of word play, nostalgia, effervescence (“meditation/ loosening a not/ in my stomach” SB). A book to treasure.  

– Terry Ann Carter, author,

TOKAIDO (Red Moon Press, 2017),

Winner of the Touchstone Distinguished Book Award


Whether Forecast is sprinkled throughout with humour, wordplay, and the twists and turns of life. While each poet brings her own insights to her work, Bending and Rutley write collaboratively in a single voice that is as playful as it is personal. Their diversity of poetic styles makes Whether Forecast  a delightful read. 

– Jim Force

Author BIO
Margaret Rutley & Sidney Bending

Margaret Rutley and Sidney Bending (hat) have published poems individually and collaboratively in literary journals and anthologies in Canada, the United States, India, England, Africa and New Zealand.

Other Publication By Margaret Rutley & Sidney Bending

Whether Forecast

Whether Forecast
Margaret Rutley & Sidney Bending
ISBN: 9789389690378



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