
Keep in touch

Friday Night Songs

Author: John Eliot
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789389690118
Pub. Date: 2019
Price: $15

I think about death more and more as I get older. On the recommendation of a friend, I read Staring at the Sun by the psychiatrist Irvin Yalom, in which he presents his ideas to help people face death. The book is not simply for those who are terminally ill, but for anyone at any age.

Author BIO
John Eliot

This collection of 50 poems from John Eliot takes in the years 2005, found in the collections Ssh, Don't Go and Turn on the Dark to new poems produced in 2019. John lives in France where he founded a literary festival in 2013, which is still thriving. He has read his poetry in various parts of Europe, including, France, Italy, (where he worked on translation of his work with students at Salerno university) Madeira and Wales. John has joined several radio programmes where his work has been read and discussed. John works best in the silence of the French countryside. His passion is reading and music.

Other Publication By John Eliot

Friday Night Songs

Friday Night Songs
John Eliot
ISBN: 9789389690118



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