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A Lungful of Grave Dirt

Author: Steve Goldsmith
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788194348535
Pub. Date: 2019
Price: $15

Most of the short stories reveal an extraordinary power to explore the mind of the character, and the inner consciousness. Steve Goldsmith shows a great mastery of this technique in this book.

Author BIO
Steve Goldsmith

Steve Goldsmith, as a child, would travel around the country with a mobile vampire-killing kit … just in case. He no longer fears vampires, but he does still love the macabre, the eerie, and has an imagination constantly simmering with new story ideas. He now lives in Birmingham, England, and is training to become a sign language interpreter.

Other Publication By Steve Goldsmith

A Lungful of Grave Dirt

A Lungful of Grave Dirt
Steve Goldsmith
ISBN: 9788194348535



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