At school, languages were among my favourites classes and I speak besides Dutch and Limburgs, the language spoken in my area also German and English and some French. In the time I worked and got married I didn't have much time to do something with words, being busy with raising two wonderful sons Rob, 25 now and Frank, 22. Not till after I discovered the internet, chat rooms and boards I found out that I am kinda addicted to what words can express. After a close friend wrote a poem about my nickname *pebble* and another friend encouraged me to try myself I wrote my first poem...Pillow Talk...which got an award right away and was published. And then I just couldn't stop, there were days when I wrote 5 poems a day. Last year October I started writing lyrics for songs too and so far very successful, I have 8 contracts so far with a music publisher and cant wait to hear them being recorded. My family and friends supported me all the time, my sister and brothers never got tired reading my poems and being positive and the same goes for Lauri.. my ex-husband and best friend. At the moment, I am divorced and I am living with my boys. Poetry helped me through some bad times, like you can read in my poems, a divorce, the death of my father and a painful ended relationship. A dream will come true with this book and I hope that I can write much more."
Like a pebble is washed ashore i will come into your life maybe I will move on fast maybe I will stay a while and rest and listen to your story and tell you mine time will tell |
Author BIO |
Mariet van Knippenberg |
Mariet van Knippenberg who was born on December 5th 1953 in a little town called Kessel in the south of the Netherlands. "Coming from a very musical family, I found out at early age that I love music and words put to it. At school, languages were among my favourites classes and I speak besides Dutch and Limburgs, the language spoken in my area also German and English and some French.
Mijn naam is Mariet van Knippenberg en ik werd geboren op 5 december 1953 in Kessel, Limburg, een gezellig dorp aan de Maas. Ik groeide op in een gezin met 5 kinderen waar muziek heel belangrijk was. Ik kwam er op jonge leeftijd al achter dat muziek en het geschreven woord, hetzij in de vorm van boeken of teksten van liedjes een heel goed medium is om je gevoelens uit drukken. Alleen kon ik er zelf niet veel mee door een druk leven met werken en na mijn huwelijk de zorg en opvoeding van mijn twee zonen Rob, geboren in 1978 en Frank geboren in 1981.
Other Publication By Mariet van Knippenberg |
Mariet van Knippenberg
ISBN: 81-8253-012-1
Mariet van Knippenberg
ISBN: 81-8253-044-X