
Keep in touch

Balloon on Fire (English and Japanese Edition)

Author: Edward Levinson
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789389074765
Pub. Date: 2019
Price: $10

No doubt, all haiku appeal to us due to their sheer loveliness. They provide an ample proof that the poet is full of powerful imagination and profound feelings. The style in all these haiku is quite simple devoid of any artificial vocabulary.

Author BIO
Edward Levinson

Edward Levinson is an American photographer essayist and poet living in Japan since 1979. His photo book Timescapes Japan received a First Prize Award in one of the categories of the Prix de la Photographie Paris 2007. His short pinhole movie Tokyo Story was an Official Selection at six film competitions, winning several awards. Writing publications include: Whisper of the Land (Fine Line Press 2014), a collection of essays based on his life in Japan; and two essay books in Japanese (Iwanami Shoten 2011, 2007). His haiku and poetry appear in a variety of books, magazines, and journals. Edward's photographs have been regularly exhibited in Japan, the U.S.A., and Europe and are in various museum and private collections. He is a member of The Photographic Society of Japan and The Japan P.E.N. Club. He lives in the countryside in Kamogawa, Chiba Prefecture where has a studio gallery and keeps a natural garden, a source of much inspiration.

Other Publication By Edward Levinson

Balloon on Fire (English and Japanese Edition)

Balloon on Fire (English and Japanese Edition)
Edward Levinson
ISBN: 9789389074765



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