Alisa Velaj was born in Albania, in 1982. She was shortlisted for the Erbacce-Press Poetry Award in 2014. Her poems have been published in Erbacce, The Curlew, Culture Cult Magazine, Stag Hill Literary Journal, The Quarterly Review, Orbis, The Linnet's Wings, The Stockholm Review of Literature, Poetry Space Showcase, The Seventh Quarry, as well as in eighty other international literary magazines. Her poetry collection, With No Sweat At All, translated into English by Ukë ZENEL Buçpapaj, will be published by Cervana Barva Press in 2019. Alisa Velaj earned an Artist-in-Residence Scholarship, and thus, during February, 2019, she attended the AIR Litteratur Västra Götaland Program in Villa Martinson, Jonsered, Sweden.