
Keep in touch

Chimni Ka Dhuaan

Author: Onkar Gautam
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789388319096
Publisher: Rochak Publishing
Pub. Date: 2019
Price: $15

The poems included in the poetry collection reveal the subtle sense of the mystery, beauty and love for the elemental simplicity of life. In these poems, we find how the poet withdraws from outer experience to concentrate on the inner. These poems are full of amazing and deep imagination. All these poems become quite charming due to 'maturity, manifested in technique, of feeling in relation to thought'.

Author BIO
Onkar Gautam



Onkar Gautam (b. 1955 Kanpur) is a widely published author.

Other Publication By Onkar Gautam

Chimni Ka Dhuaan

Chimni Ka Dhuaan
Onkar Gautam
ISBN: 9789388319096



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