
Keep in touch

A Clash of Conscience

Author: James G. Skinner
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789389074628
Pub. Date: 2019
Price: $25

Redemption! Jenny, a young English school teacher with a firm job offer travels to Tehran, Iran in 1976. She soon integrates in the international society, meets, falls in love and eventually marries Juan Miguel, a Spanish diplomat several years her senior. Both are Roman Catholics. For a couple of decades, they travel around the world as he assumes new diplomatic roles. However, there is a reason in the choice of certain international postings. He also belongs to the CNI, the Spanish secret service, working with other European agencies that are monitoring and reporting on Islamic terrorist activity. Jenny is eventually recruited to assist the organization. Years later Juan Miguel is appointed as Spain s special envoy to the United Nations in Washington. At the height of his career, tragedy strikes as he slowly develops Alzheimer s disease and has to leave the service. The couple return to his home town in Galicia, northwest Spain. Juan Miguel is eventually confined to a home. Meanwhile, Jenny has met and befriends Ramon, a young social worker that is dealing with their case. The inevitable occurs. They become passionate lovers. When her husband finally passes away, confused, she searches for a reason. Written in the first person, the plot begins as a romantic thriller and eventually turns into human suffering caused by grief, then sexual guilt whilst grappling with devout religious beliefs. The psychological effect on a human being with conflicting feelings of this nature lead to a clash within one s conscience and a hidden cry for absolution. Will Jenny find an answer?

Author BIO
James G. Skinner

James G. Skinner is a retired world wide telecommunications executive and ex-Honorary British Consul in Spain. For the past twenty years he has lived in Vigo and has observed through the press the constant flow of drugs from Latin America into Europe via the coast of Galicia. Living in Spain has also given him an insight into the fight on terrorism, especially the Basque Separatist movement ETA.

Other Publication By James G. Skinner

Serene Maiden

Serene Maiden
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The Goa File

The Goa File
James G. Skinner
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Save My Spine

Save My Spine
James G. Skinner
ISBN: 978-81-8253-327-1


Speak to me Reader!

Speak to me Reader!
James G. Skinner
ISBN: 9788182535237


Màs alla Del Esfuerzo - Memorias de un Cónsul Honorario

Màs alla Del Esfuerzo - Memorias de un Cónsul Honorario
James G. Skinner
ISBN: 9788182536296


Operation - Side-Kick

Operation - Side-Kick
James G. Skinner
ISBN: 9788182536753


O Diario dun Cónsul Escoces en Galiza

O Diario dun Cónsul Escoces en Galiza
James G. Skinner
ISBN: 9788182536739


Samaritan Drug Lords

Samaritan Drug Lords
James G. Skinner
ISBN: 9789388125116


Mi Destino Aguarda (Spanish Edition)

Mi Destino Aguarda (Spanish Edition)
James G. Skinner
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A Clash of Conscience

A Clash of Conscience
James G. Skinner
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When A Conscience Knocks

When A Conscience Knocks
James G. Skinner
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James G. Skinner
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