
Keep in touch

Cosmic Symphony

Author: Pravat Kumar Padhy
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789389074321
Pub. Date: 2019
Price: $15

Almost every fortnight since then, Pravat has been delighting readers of the Asahi Haikuist Network, winning contests, and sharing his creativity in dozens of other publications and journals around the world. Befitting the title of this scintillating new haiku collection in 2019, Dr Padhy has indeed created a Cosmic Symphony.

Author BIO
P K Padhy

Pravat Kumar Padhy, professionally a Petroleum Geologist, ONGC, India. Holds Masters in Science and Ph.D in Applied Geology from Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad. Published literary articles and poems in leading English news papers, journals, anthologies and e-zines. Literary work referred in ‘Interviews with Indian Writing in English’, Indian Literature, Anger in Action: Exploration in Indian Writing in English, Spectrum History of Indian Literature in English, Alienation in Contemporary Indian English Poetry, A Survey of Indian English Poetry etc. Awarded “Certificate of Honour” from Writer’s Life Line, Canada.

Other Publication By P K Padhy

The Tiny Pebbles

The Tiny Pebbles
Pravat Kumar Padhy
ISBN: 978-8182532038


Cosmic Symphony

Cosmic Symphony
Pravat Kumar Padhy
ISBN: 9789389074321



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