VOL. 18 NUMBER 1 JUNE 2019
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VOL. 18 NUMBER 1 JUNE 2019
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The June 2019 issue of Taj Mahal Review presents some of the best contemporary writings by poets and creative artists across the globe. The fact is that the latest journal includes not only quite attractive poetry, short story and book reviews, but also remarkable haiku by international poets. The poems and haiku selected for publication in this newest edition of TMR undoubtedly reveal rare and precious quality of spontaneity and emotional depth. It may be be added that great poetry has a highly attractive quality of simplicity blended with intensity of emotions as visible in the following immortal lines by the great American poet Robert Frost, winner of four Pulitzer Prizes: I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. The fact is that a poet is ‘a winged and a holy thing’, and there is no poetry in him until he has been inspired by the beauty and power within his own innermost self. The inner vision enables John Milton to write such immortal poetry: Virtue could see to do what Virtue would By her own radiant light, though sun and moon Were in the flat sea sunk. And Wisdom's self Oft seeks to sweet retired solitude, Where, with her best nurse Contemplation, She plumes her feathers, and lets grow her wings. Milton is quite right when he says that only inner light can nourish and instruct us, and illumine our path and lift our soul to the sublime standard of perfection. The following lines reveal a great lesson for our postmodern world afflicted with violence and chaos: He that has light within his own clear breast May sit i' th' centre and enjoy bright day; But he that hides a dark soul and foul thoughts Benighted walks under the midday sun I make grateful acknowledgement to all creative artists including poets and short story writers, whose poems, short stories and haiku are published in this edition of TMR. It is quite true that without your kind cooperation and gracious support it was not possible to publish the June 2019 edition of TMR. Best Wishes. SANTOSH KUMAR Editor |