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Full Life In The Day Of A Poet

Author: Dah
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789389074123
Pub. Date: 2019
Price: $15

Shortly after the publication of my fourth poetry book, I was asked about my favorite poems from these four works, and if I would consider compiling a collection of a few favorites. Needless to say a few turned into many, resulting in Full Life In The Day Of A Poet, selected poems.

Author BIO

Born 1950 in Herkimer, New York along the Mohawk River near the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains and raised in Ilion, New York (just across the river), Dah has been a resident of Berkeley, California since 1980, where for the past fifteen years he has taught Chakra Four Yoga: meditation, stretching, and deep relaxation, to children and adults throughout the East Bay yoga studios and Berkeley's public and private schools. Since 2014, 350 of Dah's poems and two essays were published in 100-plus reviews, journals, and magazines, in print and on the WEB, by editors from the US, UK, Ireland, Canada, Singapore, India, China, Philippines, Africa, Poland, Australia and Spain. He is a Pushcart Prize and a Best Of The Net nominee.

Other Publication By Dah

Full Life In The Day Of A Poet

Full Life In The Day Of A Poet
ISBN: 9789389074123



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