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Womb of Time

Author: Laljee Verma
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789388125949
Pub. Date: 2019
Price: $15

'Womb of Time' is a long (epic) poem in abstract, running to over 15000 words and 2500 lines. The concept of Time and God have drawn the deep interest and attention of thinkers and philosophers. This book is an attempt to reveal the inner feelings of the author with regard to 'Time' and the 'God-concept'. The poem contains 6 chapters; Book I "Time Immortal" is about timelessness of Time, and a hypothetical dialogue in imagery between Time and God.

Author BIO
Laljee Verma

Laljee Verma is a medical graduate. He served in the Armed Forces for about 39 years retiring with the rank of Air Marshal. He is a published author in Hindi and English; has three poetry books in Hindi, and one in English, a play in Hindi, a book in English on Hospital Waste Management, and a book on the current socio-political atmosphere in India. Thinker that Laljee is, his interest has recently taken a turn, and now he enjoys reading and writing on philosophical topics. His most recent publication is "Karma: its Applicability and relevance in Day to Day Life". His views on spiritual and philosophical topics regularly appear on Facebook, and Speaking tree (a spiritual web site). Seeing that the human mind always remains confused on the God-concept and stands at a crossroads of religious predilection he has written this poetry book. He considers Time wears immortality, and pulsates in the primordial womb but never is born, thus defying death. He is active on Facebook, Speaking Tree, WordPress, Twitter and LinkedIn; and he can be contacted through email at: Laljee lives in Delhi with his wife.

Other Publication By Laljee Verma

Womb of Time

Womb of Time
Laljee Verma
ISBN: 9789388125949



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