
Keep in touch

50 Acrostic Poems

Author: Jonel Abellanosa
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789388125932
Pub. Date: 2019
Price: $15

The chief characteristic of these poems is extreme simplicity of style united with profound emotion. The poems reveal impressive imagination, blended with strange and beautiful word-pictures.

Author BIO
Jonel Abellanosa



"Jonel Abellanosa resides in Cebu City, the Philippines. His poetry has appeared in numerous journals and anthologies, and been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, the Best of the Net and Dwarf Stars awards. His fourth chapbook, "Songs from My Mind's Tree," has been published in early 2018 by Clare Songbirds Publishing House (New York), which will also publish his full-length collection, "Multiverse." His collection, "Sounds in Grasses Parting," is forthcoming from Moran Press (United States). His first speculative poetry collection, "Pan's Saxophone," is forthcoming from Weasel Press (United States)."

Other Publication By Jonel Abellanosa

50 Acrostic Poems

50 Acrostic Poems
Jonel Abellanosa
ISBN: 9789388125932



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