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Mesas and Canyons of the American West: A Chapbook of Poems

Author: Richard F. Fleck
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789388125796
Pub. Date: 2019
Price: $14

After reading these haiku included in the poetry collection, we get convinced that the poet is quite attractive and original.

Author BIO
Richard F. Fleck



Dr. Richard F. Fleck is the author of the new books, Life Above 7000 Feet in Wyoming (2015), Singing to the Rising Sun (2017) and writer of forewords for the new Graphic Arts Books/ Literary Naturalist Series beginning with Alaska Days With John Muir in 2013, Henry Thoreau's Maine Woods in 2014, and John Muir s Cruise of the Corwin in 2014.. He is author of Henry Thoreau and John Muir among the Native Americans (1985, reprinted 2015) editor of A Colorado River Reader (2000) and Critical Perspectives on Native American Fiction (1993, reprinted 1997) His biography is included in the 2019 Who s Who in America. He holds a Ph.D in English from the University of New Mexico and has taught at the University of Wyoming for twentyfive years as well as serving as Visiting Professor at Osaka University (Japan) and the University of Bologna (Italy). He still remains active by climbing mountains at age 81, (the latest being Hahn's Peak, Colorado) and hiking in the Desert Southwest. He is married for 56 years with Maura and has three children and seven grandchildren and resides in Denver, Colorado.

Other Publication By Richard F. Fleck

Mesas and Canyons of the American West: A Chapbook of Poems

Mesas and Canyons of the American West: A Chapbook of Poems
Richard F. Fleck
ISBN: 9789388125796


Bamboo In the Sun

Bamboo In the Sun
Richard F. Fleck
ISBN: 9789389074178



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