
Keep in touch

not one bit of this is your fault

Author: Trent Busch
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789388125840
Pub. Date: 2019
Price: $15

not one bit of this is your fault is a book wherein each poem uses a woman as its subject. It is divided into four sections, each beginning with one poem based on a woman from mythology or the classics; the rest of the poems follow the theme of the first poem that begins each section. For example, the first section is called Aberration and the first poem's title is "Drusilla," (whose brother was Caligula), whereas the rest of the women in the section are more

Author BIO
Trent Busch

Although he grew up in rural West Virginia, Trent Busch has lived in Georgia for many years now and has discovered that the warm weather and slow pace fit him. He owns a small place out in the country where he has a workshop and builds furniture. He makes coffee tables, night tables, chests of drawers, and other items for the house from such woods as oak, walnut, cherry, and maple. He has published more than four hundred poems in some three hundred periodicals. A sampling of the places where his poems have been published follows: The Best American Poetry, Poetry, The Nation, The Threepenny Review, Kenyon Review, Northwest Review, North American Review, Chicago Review, Southern Review, Georgia Review, New England Review, Crazyhorse, Prairie Schooner, American Scholar, Shenandoah, and more recently in The Moth, Taj Mahal Review, Notre Dame Review, Evansville Review, Agni Online, Boston Review, Sou'wester, Poetry Daily, Natural Bridge, and The Hudson Review.

Other Publication By Trent Busch

not one bit of this is your fault

not one bit of this is your fault
Trent Busch
ISBN: 9789388125840


Plumb Level and Square

Plumb Level and Square
Trent Busch
ISBN: 9789390202645


West Virginians

West Virginians
Trent Busch
ISBN: 9788182537163



Trent Busch
ISBN: 9788182538757



Trent Busch
ISBN: 9789395224604



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