
Keep in touch

what a [hiding] place - haiku, tanka, haibun

Author: Jean LeBlanc
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789388125598
Pub. Date: 2019
Price: $14

Haiku lovers and writers of haiku should not miss this book. what a [hiding] place would be an ideal book to read. All haiku are remarkable due to magnificent qualities of imagination, and compel our admiration. These ingenious, touching and eloquent haiku are written in spontaneous style.

Author BIO
Jean LeBlanc

Jean LeBlanc is a teacher and writer living in New Jersey, U.S.A. Her poetry has appeared in numerous journals. She does editorial work for the Paulinskill Poetry Project of Andover, New Jersey, as well as for More of her work can be seen at

Other Publication By Jean LeBlanc

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A World Rediscovered
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The Opposite of Bird

The Opposite of Bird
Jean LeBlanc
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what a [hiding] place - haiku, tanka, haibun

what a [hiding] place - haiku, tanka, haibun
Jean LeBlanc
ISBN: 9789388125598


Our Pitiful Metaphors: haibun

Our Pitiful Metaphors: haibun
Jean LeBlanc
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