
Keep in touch

At the Fringes of Experience

Author: Joseph Aprile
Binding: Hardback (pp: 207)
ISBN: 81-8253-026-1
Publisher:, Allahabad, India
Pub. Date: 2005
Condition: New
Price: $15

This anthology of short stories deals with the larger issues of the human condition. Bronx Memories represents the author's own personal journey as a young boy. Nathaniel Hastings is a kind of modern day odyssey, in which the protagonist navigates through life from very bizarre beginnings. The stories, Bradley Stimpson and Marie, The Strange Diaries of Jeremy Flood and Benjamin's Magic Bullet take place in some future time and explore various aspects of contemporary human society. Lastly, No Time for Retribution is a work that examines the modern world as seen through the eyes of a person dealing with madness. 

The following excerpt taken from Bradley Stimpson and Marie is a brief sampling of what this body of work contains: "As Boston awoke in the distance, Bradley could smell its particular morning aroma: a blend of the natural stirring of the sun's heat and that particular mix of toxins emanating from the livelihood of internal combustion engines. The din that awakened him was remarkable in its punctuality as the rush hour shook the freeway overpass that served as his shelter.

"Bradley was beholding to the miracle of cardboard that served in various ways as his chest of drawers, dinner table and as a remarkable source of radiant heat. Bradley maintained a substantial hold on reality by creating it over and over again through his rituals. These rituals revolved around what he considered to be practical deities: sun, wind, trees and fire. He began and ended each day with remonstrations to the sun. As soon as his eyes opened, Bradley would locate the sun, kneel before it, lower his head and slowly raise it until a rush of white light filled his vision. He maintained this position until hunger gripped his senses."


Author BIO
Joseph Aprile

Joseph Aprile was born in the Bronx, New York, and is a resident of Seattle, Washington. He has traveled extensively and has incorporated many of his life experiences into his work as all writers inevitably must. Writing has always been an integral part of his existence. He has written and published works in different genres including: poetry, fiction and non-fiction. He has a special fondness for poetry since it is, by nature, evocative of the emotions and succinct in style.

Other Publication By Joseph Aprile

The Illusive Quality of Existence

The Illusive Quality of Existence
Joseph Aprile
ISBN: 978-81-8253-085-0


Impaled on Time's Illustrious Arrow (A Book of Poetry)

Impaled on Time's Illustrious Arrow (A Book of Poetry)
Joseph Aprile
ISBN: 81-8253-051-2


At the Fringes of Experience

At the Fringes of Experience
Joseph Aprile
ISBN: 81-8253-026-1


Awakening from A Distant Dream

Awakening from A Distant Dream
Joseph Aprile
ISBN: 81-8253-000-8


Joe’s Comments and Observations Volume 1 [2005 – 2014]

Joe’s Comments and Observations Volume 1 [2005 – 2014]
Joseph Aprile
ISBN: 9788182538733



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