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Fortune Smiles
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The poems provide an ample proof that the poet is full of powerful imagination and profound feelings. The style in all these poems is quite simple devoid of any artificial vocabulary. REVIEW FORTUNE SMILES by Robert Wratz, a retired musician who has released two CDs of his own music, is one of the best contemporary poetry collections. This is his first book of poems. The essential point about Robert Wartz's poetry is its spontaneity, and there is no effort of laborious artistry about it at any time. This is quite visible in the following lines:
I pray for you
I am there for you
I love you
Shakespeare repeats the word 'never' several time to reveal King Lear's agony after his daughter Cordelia's death:
Thou 'lt come no more,
Never, never, never, never, never. Similarly, Robert Wratz uses musical device refrain by repeating the word 'fallen' regularly to create remarkable depth of feelings about his great-grandfather in his poem FALLING:
where did that pious child go?
he is fallen
is fallen!
The style of Robert Wartz's poems is characterised by brilliance, melody and simplicity.
Santosh Kumar, Editor, Cyberwit,net