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Unheard Voices

Author: Dr Dipanita Gargava
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9789388125291
Pub. Date: 2018
Price: $14

The book, Unheard Voices is the author Dr Dipanita Gargava's second collection of 15 short stories of varied lengths. One thing that makes Unheard Voices so different from other short story books on the market is its unique theme. Almost all of the stories are about women and in one way or another; the book brings to limelight the various issues that plague a woman. It not just tells us beautiful stories; it also creates awareness and gives a strong social message. The end of each story, the book leaves us with a question to reflect upon; a thought to ponder over. Each character has been beautifully portrayed, be it Nigar, Shiuli, Saira , Mira, Bela or Pushpa; all the characters live their life as any normal being would, except, deep down in their core, they all are wounded. Their seemingly normal existence is marred by their scarred memories, their guilt, their fears and their inadequacies. And this is exactly what makes them so beautiful, so relatable, and so appealing. Gift and Lesson have their own charm.

Author BIO
Dipanita Gargava

Dr Dipanita Gargava was born (b Aug 63) and brought up at Baidyabati, a small town in the Hooghly district of West Bengal. She graduated from Shrirampore College and completed post graduation from Shri Hari Sing Gaur Vishwa Vidhyalaya, Sagar.There after she completed her M.Phil and Doctors in Philosophy in English from Devi Ahilya Vishwavidhyalaya, Indore. 

Other Publication By Dipanita Gargava

Let Silence Speak

Let Silence Speak
Dr Dipanita Gargava
ISBN: 978-8182534377


Unheard Voices

Unheard Voices
Dr Dipanita Gargava
ISBN: 9789388125291



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